Kim Clement:
"MY PROPHETS WILL NOT BE QUIET! For They Carry the Next Generation's
BURDEN and POWER, says the Lord"
kim clement
December 7, 2007--Detroit, Michigan
The Spirit of God says, "That all would prophesy; that all would understand; that when words come out of the mouth of man who is energized by the Spirit to speak--despise not the words that come forth. These are the words of life, for there is life and death in the power of the tongue. I have gone throughout the earth searching, listening for the sounds of life; listening for people who would speak My Words. There is a dictation that comes from hell itself to speak their words."
God says, "So many of My servants would take the words of My enemy and speak them out as if they were truth. What is truth? My Word is truth. No matter what you see, no matter what evidence you say there is--there is no evidence against truth. Truth is My evidence. Therefore, explain to Me how it is that I have kept the seasons going for millions of years? How is it that I have watched over the mass, I have watched over order and chaos, and I have not yet stopped intervening in man? How is it? Explain to Me what I am able to do, what I have done on the earth, and what I'm about to do. I have created one ball--this earth, and I will bring healing from this earth, I will bring great, great, great things from this earth."
"I have not finished with this earth. I am not finished. You think the earth must be burnt up. I will burn fuel from the earth. I will do great things from your soil, watch Me. You have said, 'God, do something unusual,' now let Me do it. Do not confine Me to what is unusual; don't tell Me what is unusual. Let Me do things that you have never thought about; let me create things you have never thought about. I am in a creative mood; if I am in a creative mood, I will design things especially for this generation."
"The warriors have gathered around the prophetic voice again. Even in the days of Elisha, didn't the governing powers come and stand around the prophet and say, 'We will take your life, we will shut you up.' Has it not been for millenniums that they have tried to shut up the sound of the prophetic voice? Has it not been for thousands of years that any time a prophet would rise up, they would chain him or they would say, 'This is the end, you are no longer to speak?'"
God says, "Once they do that, there is a divine expression that comes out and creates power for My people. Rejoice, for there is going to be a greater power that I will design for you and for this generation. My prophets will not be quiet," says the Lord. "They will not be chained, they will not be bound. They will not be weary or tired, for they carry the next generation's burden, the next generation's power. They carry the sound of your children. THEY CARRY THE VOICE OF YOUR CHILDREN! The prophets carry the future so that they will be able to give it to you."
"There is an impartation against My prophets, but they will not be quiet. They will prophesy. I will put them before great men--for this is a day of reckoning," says the Lord of Hosts. "This is a day of reckoning," says the Lord. "This is a day of judgment, yes indeed. Who would they grip and grab? They would grab My prophets. When they do that, there is a fear amongst the powers of hell; there is a fear in the kingdoms that hide away in secrecy trying to demand things." But God says, "Exposure shall come, and I will stop the sound of the defeat that has come to My people. Rejoice for the better day is upon you. You say, 'Where is it?'" God says, "Don't look, listen, for it is in the air, it's in the atmosphere. Once you've got it, it fills you and designs you to do things you have never done before."
"Television networks shall go under, and I will take men and women of God, faith and spiritual power and put inside of them the wisdom to take these media forces and use them for My goodness. The Church has failed hopelessly, but My Kingdom strives and goes on in great power and in great might."
For God is designing something so unusual in the news media. The Kingdom of God has suffered violence and those who have suffered the violence shall now take another portion of the kingdom by force. Come from your caves; come from your hiding places. The market place calls you, 'Come prophesy in our streets, prophesy in our highways, prophesy to our politicians corrupt as they are. Prophesy to the hypocrites that stand around with their hands in their pockets wondering where the next dime shall come from, and where they shall steal it.'"
God says, "I am sick of the theft that has taken place and those who have called My Name, but yet not honored Me with their praises. Now is the time where I want praise. I want praise, I want praise," says the Lord. "I want praise from Michigan, from Ohio, from Canada, I want praise, I want praise."
I've been taken to a place, a strange place. I'm surrounded by rocks; I'm surrounded by pools of water, seemingly fresh, but dead. What is in this place? Who is it? What is the sound of fear in the places of captivity? Why is there whispering; why is there tiptoeing? What is this in this desolate place under the ground? It is their habitation of lunatics in the kingdoms. I'm in a place, I'm standing by myself. Why is it I feel that there are many, many that surround me. Bats and owls. Bats and owls I hear them, no sight. It is the den of iniquity; the place where demons crawl to satisfy themselves with their logic.
Now standing in the midst of them is a prophetic voice. A prophetic voice. Prophets, do not be afraid of your bats and owls; do not be afraid of those who fly by night hoping to catch something. Hell is afraid of the prophet. Hell is afraid of the voice of the prophets.
"Therefore, prophets take your place. Prophets take your place in the dungeons of hell, for that is where you will prophesy," says the Lord. "In the dens of iniquity where the enemy says, 'They will not come. They are afraid to face and challenge our forces. Christ Himself came and took us to a place where we have no power left, yet, the Church believes we have the power to overcome them.' Prophets take your place in the habitation of hell, in the lonely place where no one else wants to go." God says, "If you take your place there, they will be terrified and they will flee at the sound of the voice of the prophets."
December 31, 2007--San Jose, California
The Spirit of the Lord says, "There are major walls that are coming down in Jericho; your sound is doing something that it has never done. It is breaking down the barriers that have held you back. This is your season to run."
"Suddenly, there will come to you like a mighty rushing wind; it will come to you. Suddenly, suddenly, suddenly I will come when you least expect Me to come. I have prepared a place of discovery. I've prepared a place for your children. Suddenly I will come; suddenly I will come like a mighty rushing wind. Suddenly I will come to you. Are you ready, ready, ready, ready?"
"I placed some fire in America. I placed some fire; they will come. They will come suddenly, suddenly when nobody expects them. I've given a place of fire. I've prepared a mighty, mighty fire. It will come suddenly, suddenly when nobody expects Me. The streets of America will hear something like the footsteps of lepers--they are out of sight, but suddenly, suddenly I will come when they least expect Me to come. The streets of America are waiting for something. The streets are waiting for the fire. I'm going to give it at the right time. It will come suddenly, suddenly when nobody expects Me. It will come suddenly, suddenly when nobody expects Me; I will be there."
"Your children will be sitting at home in front of the TV, not knowing anything about God; then I'll come suddenly, suddenly when they least expect Me. Your children will be out and about trying to get some drugs, trying to find out what life's all about; then I'll come suddenly, suddenly when they least expect Me. Husbands will be watching TV, football, baseball, anything you want to call it; then I'll come suddenly, suddenly when they least expect Me." Lord, won't You come suddenly, suddenly when they least expect You? "Then you will watch Me as I baptize them with the Holy Ghost and fire while they speak in other tongues. I'll come suddenly, suddenly when they least expect Me."
Won't You come suddenly, suddenly when they least expect You? This is what God is telling me, "Your bank balance is zero; looking at your bank book, you'll cry. Then suddenly you will hear the sound of provision, and I will fill your bank with everything you need." Suddenly, suddenly when we least expect You. Won't You come suddenly, suddenly when they least expect You? Won't You come suddenly, suddenly when we least expect You?
God says, "I want to come and do something that you least expect. I want to do something that you say requires a lot of faith. Just a little bit of faith is going to move My hand; just a little bit of faith is going to open your mouth. Just a little bit of faith is going to move a mountain." How many have just a little bit of faith in this building? Suddenly! God says, "Are you ready?" 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...Lift Your Voice.
There are flames all over this place, burning away. God says, "You have just taken a step beyond the veil. You have just taken a step into a place that the great priests called the Holy of Holies. When men feared standing before God, I ripped and tore the veil. But tonight, 90 seconds ago in time and space, you stepped into a place that many, many have never touched," says the Lord. "It is a place of no limitation. It's a place where you are limitless. Those that stepped into that place and suddenly, unique miracles begin to take place. Yes, My servants, you have stepped into a place; an ancient, ancient place that I have done for very few.
This nation has cried out in war and in pain. We have prophesied and spoken to our enemies, but now God says, "Enough is enough. 2008, I will do unique miracles; when I say, 'Unique,' they have never been done before. Never, they are one and they have never been done before. This requires some to have great faith."
"Suddenly I came and suddenly My Spirit rose upon you and fire began to consume your mouths so that your lips would be cleansed." Even as Isaiah came before God, and God said, "Who shall we send, who will go for us?" Isaiah said, "Here I am Lord, send me." Even as Isaiah said those words, an angel brought a coal and touched his lips for he said, "I am a man of unclean lips.'" God says, "You walked into this place with unclean lips, but now your lips and your tongue have been purified to speak out. As you speak out, I will do the most unique and unusual miracles for your families. Even as I said, 'Suddenly, it is happening now.' Lift your voice."
I have not come but to give to you and hand to you from the heart of God. I believe in His will for tomorrow. There are great, great men and women to be raised up. We struggled with 2007, but we got through it. Thank God!
God, You told me to tell your people on December 31st--there's going to be unique manifestations. He said, "I want you to take the handkerchief and show them what it does. It's a piece of linen, silk, or other fabric used to wipe the nose, the eyes for tears, the face and brow for sweat from labor and the mouth. I'm going to take the tears of 2007, I'm going to take the sweat, the labor and the hardships of 2007, I'm going to take the sickness and that which has caused them to blow the nose and cover the mouth. I'm going to take everything that happened in 2007 like an insignificant handkerchief that they used for their pain and their labor, and I'm going to use that to perform unusual miracles in 2008 for them."
If you have a handkerchief, a piece of cloth or piece of paper, I want you to wave it right now. I want you to wave it. How many cried in 2007? How many labored and were in pain in 2007? Worked and worked and it seemed like nothing happened in 2007? How many were sick in 2007? I want you to take that now, and say, "God, I thank You for every tear I shed, every pain I had, all of my labor; all of my pain has now been exchanged and transformed into unusual miracles beginning right now!"
"Your New Year has just begun," says the Lord!
Kim and Jane Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions
Email: hope@kimclement.com