Wednesday, September 24

A Family Praise Report Of Deliverance Through My Testimony (Part 2)

It's very encouraging to me when I receive a testimony about how God used me to touch a life in some way, that's why I do what I do! For His glory, and His glory alone! I pray that y'all are encouraged by the following testimony, and I pray that you begin to expect God to use "you" to touch some ones life as well.....


You are a true inspiration and I do praise the Lord Jesus Christ for you. I came home from work and my husband had been touched through your testimony. He then encouraged me to listen to it and I was touched as well. You made me remember how fortunate we are for our Lord and Savior. I had back slid and through your message the Lord PULLED ME BACK TO HIM. I had been praying for a change for myself and creece0009 and he sent us you. My son, was a big Jay Z fan and also a fan of other rappers as well. He heard your testimony and he is only 12 and it touched him as well. My daughter was touched through your testimony too. Look God is Good and his mercies endure forever even until the end of the world. Mynista keep doing what you are doing and we will continue to spread the word of our Lord as well. I am praying for you and hope that you pray for this family as well. May our Lord trully bless, prosper and keep you safe in his arms. He has an unmeasureable blessing for you and all that you have touched as well. Thank you and God Bless my brother in Christ,
Mrs. Michell Renee Vaughn

The Fire Is Comin'

The Fire is comin'​.​.​.​.​some are gonna​ be ready​ like the five virgi​ns with oil in their​ lamps​.​.​.​.​and some are not gonna​ be ready​,​ and they will miss out on this next move (Of The Holy Spirit).​.​.​I refus​e to miss this wave.​.​.​.​I'​m on my board​ ready​ to ryde!​ Stay ready​!​


Tuesday, September 23

A Praise Report Of Deliverance (Through My Testimony Vid)

One of my new "Myspace Homies" hit me up today with this praise report of deliverance through my testimony video (on my youtube channel), the glory is God's! check it out...

Dude (Mynista),

I saw your testimony about 6 weeks ago. It totally changed my life. I don't listen to worldly rap music no more. I grew up in church but I feel i didn't get what i was needing. I was taught the word of GOD and fell out of church many times. I did many things that i didn't like. There was a void in my life. I also tried reaching out for Jesus but I fell back into my sinful ways. For a long time i was depressed. Then when I saw your testimony on youtube, something changed within me. Now i feel so much joy! I was an all day everyday smoker for the past 14 years. Now i don't want it anymore. That was my substitute for a little joy. I also was slanging a little. All that stuff is history. My eyes are wide open...they were wide shut. Now i'm trying to reach my so called homies. Planting seeds here and there. But all they want to know is if i got some weed for them, and were can they get some from. When I try to tell them about JESUS CHRIST they move along in a hurry. I pray soon that the LORD opens their eyes. But anyways man, I thank GOD for you on the real. And that song Hurricane is so anointed. I feel ya. Pray for me that I grow strong in the Lord. GOD BLESS YOU!

CREECE0009 (New Myspace Friend)

Monday, September 22

My Stance On Christian Artists Using Secular "Used" Beats For Mixtapes...

A homie of mine recently asked me to do a "mixtape drop" for him, I thought that I should share my response with everyone...

If it's 100% original beats then maybe, but I won't endorse a mixtape with secular "used" instrumentals. Those specific instrumentals were used to wreck too many lives....I love ya kuh, but if that's the case I can't do it. I feel that secular instrumentals get in the way of the message (and anointing), it creates an immediate distraction to those who are familiar with the original song (I think I've said this to you before). I've personally seen the manifestation of it for myself, many times. I also see the "mixtape" game dying out. It's time to "BE" something "new" and "original"...Somethin' "HOLY" (Set Apart).

[end of response]

To be honest, I won't even listen to a mixtape by a Christian that uses secular instrumentals. I throw em' in the trash just like I would throw the original (secular artist version) away.

Holla' At Me!

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