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"Forever" now! Lyrics are below the cover!
Mynista a.k.a. Docta Wuzdead
Song: "Forever"
Album: Generations (2010)
(Verse 1)
I stand up in the mid of some skeletons,
I give the Holy Ghost the breath in my lungs.
I let Him breathe out, so they can breathe in,
bones come together, I'm beginning to see skin.
I see some living men, but they were once dead,
I'm quick to give the credit to The Lamb once dead.
Cause He was slain for the sins of this whole world,
He is risen I proclaim to this whole world!
Rise with me, get baptized with me now,
through the water and Blood down into water and fire.
And when you rise up, you gotta get them eyes up,
You're born again, new ID like a new driver.
But let Him drive and you hop into His sidecar,
cause outside of Him you really can't drive far.
In fact, you can't do nothing, can't make yourself better,
That's why the redeemed we shall sing this chant forever!
The mercy of The Lord endures forever, He's good,
No cliche' real truth, real Blood, real Wood.
They hung Him on The Cross, He went to Middle Earth,
He was the first up, and secured new birth!
Forever, forever, forever, forever forever, His mercy endures!
Forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, forever, His mercy endures!
(Verse 2)
The loving kindness of His Highness got ya' boy gone,
how could He love me like He did when I was so blown?
I blew it like you, I blew it like them,
We ALL blew it, none of us were born like Him.
Until He opened up the womb and He came through,
until He bled on The Cross just to save you.
The first born, yeah The Seed had to die,
He rose again, I love to picture Him fly!
He was took up in a cloud then He went and sat down,
at the right hand of the Father and we're there now.
And if you do go to Hell it's ya' own choice,
I can't confess Him for ya', yeah you got ya' own voice.
You got ya' own will, working out ya' own deal,
submit it to Him, whole thing won't you give it to Him.
Give ya' living to Him, He can make ya' better,
That's why the redeemed, we shall sing this chant forever!
(Verse 3)
I'm gonna praise Him with my life until my last breath,
cause my first and only death will be my last death.
We don't have to die twice eternal life is ours,
We even have authority over satanic powers.
But we deserve Hell, because we ALL rebelled,
but The Blood of Jesus went to dripping over nails.
But God is LOVE, and LOVE He never fails.
The flesh and blood Son of God is in His chair!
He's the head of His Body we His Church yeah,
we The Body of The Christ on Earth here.
He had to go, so now we doing greater works,
than He did when He was here on Earth.
Devils getting cast out, people getting saved,
the sick getting healed, we the real deal,
He's the real deal, IN US so He's still here,
so if you hear us singing this, you know He's still here!
We were dirty but, He made us right (2x)
We were dark but, He made us light! (2x)
©Warria Records 2010