Wednesday, September 29

[Video] Angela's Divine Healing [Mynista T.V.]

After one of my recent concerts (Faith Fest, Soulard), Angela received healing from a blood clot. All glory belongs to The Lord Jesus Christ! Shouts out to Pastor Ron Haynes (Project STL) for the assist!

P.S. Please excuse the video lag at the end, this vid was filmed with a cell phone (Palm Pre).

"Is any sick among you? let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord:

And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." (James 5:14-15)


Friday, September 17

[Photos] Two Of My Favorite Photos From "Faith Fest" [Soulard]

I was recently in concert at "Faith Fest" in Soulard (STL). Here are a couple of my favorite pics that were posted to Facebook. Shouts out to Pastors Tim and Gayle Jones [The Rock Church, Soulard]! And yeah, the dude in the chair is KNOCKED OUT! Lol.


Wednesday, September 15

[Mobile Vid] Talkin' To Some Kids After My Concert A Couple Of Weeks Ago [Peabody Housing Projects, STL]

The environment that we were raised up in does not determine our FUTURE "In Christ!" Praise God for His plan and purpose for mankind everywhere! See Jeremiah 29:11! I see mighty WARRIAZ of/in Christ in this video...

Download now or watch on posterous
CIMG0456.mp4 (30057 KB)

Posted via email from Mynista's Mobile Photos, Blogs & Videos [Palm Pre]

Monday, September 6

Pictures From Saturdays Concert In The Projects (Peabody/STL)

I Had an awesome concert saturday in The City of St. Louis! People responded positively to the altar call from across the street(s), from their porches, and in the immediate concert area! I praise God for the AWESOME RESPONSIBILITY of preaching The Gospel of Jesus Christ to ALL NATIONS! He's ALIVE...and He's LOVE!!! ''We got (Holy) Ghost On Deck!!!''

''For King And Kingdom!''

Posted via email from Mynista's Mobile Photos, Blogs & Videos [Palm Pre]

Wednesday, September 1

[Upcoming Concert] Saturday Night Live @ Harris Stowe State University

Click on the image below to enlarge/view info...

CLICK HERE to hear the AD that will run on radio. Hope to see ya there!


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