Wednesday, October 27

[The Word] Psalm 27:5

Psalms 27:5: For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock.

God is able and willing to keep you safe during times of trouble! Regardless of the circumstance, report, diagnosis, or feelings...have FAITH IN GOD! ONLY BELIEVE!

FKAK! [For King And Kingdom!]

Tuesday, October 26

[Mynista T.V.] C-Micah "Lev 11:45" [Olympus Pen EPL-1 Test]

This is my first upload of video taken with my Olympus Pen EPL-1. It was a very windy day and I wasn't filming steady, so the original footage was quite shaky. I used a stabilization plug-in via Final Cut Express (that's why/how the video zooms in and out, but it still worked out great).

SUBSCRIBE! - This is just the beginning of some great, JESUS GLORIFYING videos & films! "FKAK!" [For King And Kingdom!]

Lens: Kit 14-42mm

Check C-Micah (Collard Greens Entertainment) out at ‪‬

[Change quality setting to 720p HD for full quality viewing]


Monday, October 18

Another Breakthrough [Of Revelation] THROUGH Holy Ghost Inspired Tweets! Praise God!

God is doing awesome, GOOD things in the lives of His people! Those awesome GOOD things begin from within! Spiritually & mentally. Wahnetah Bryant received a breakthrough of revelation today through some of my Holy Ghost inspired tweets on biblical prosperity! All of The glory is His! Check this out! (BTW, she gave me permission to use her name). 

Revelation leads to REVOLUTION!!!

We have not cause we ask not. I have been living under the delusion that if I am not healed from my COPD, or if I am not financial able to do any more than just pay my bills and nothing more, that it has to be God's will. I was content with that but... seriously Mynista--- you have awakened a new era in my Spirit! It was never that I didn't have the faith, I always knew God could do abundantly more than I could ever ask Him, but did He want for it to happen. I really would like it if you could pray for me and my family because we truly want everything that God has for us. I have been taught being content was just that. And hearing (seeing) you speak these things my heart opens to really truly receive that. We at least want more so we can be more of a blessing to others. We want to do more Kingdom work but we are limited to the "being blessed" participants. On the real!


A Praise Report Of REPENTANCE Via Youtube [Through My Testimony Vid]

I love celebrating with Heaven! I got this one via Youtube yesterday! Praise God for GOOD FRUIT! It's HARVEST TIME! Whoo-Hoo! HALLELUJAH! All glory 2 The Lord JESUS!


Praise God For Holy Ghost Inspired Tweeting! [Praise Report/Encouragement]

I Just got this in a private message on FaceBook from someone. The Holy Ghost was directing me to tweet on a few things today dealing with finances and more...Thank God for Holy Ghost inspired tweets! All glory 2 The lord JESUS CHRIST!

"Its crazy cause everything you are putting on your status it deals with me. I've been stressing alllllll day. I was going to step down from being the assistant youth director until I started reading your posts and I started praying. All I can hear is: This Just where the devil wants me to be, and what he wants me to do. Everytime I share my story the devil fights me harder and harder. But now its time to take a stand. Thanks sir. "

For you saints that have  Twitter/FaceBook accts...."Let Him Use ya!"


Holla' At Me!

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