What up Warriaz!!
Last night ya' boy was in Concert in St. Louis at the St. Louis Dream Center....it was awesum....God did His thang, and lotsa of Souls came to Christ when I gave the altar call at the end of my set.....that's whas' up! Shots out to my co-laborers that put it down last night as well.....P. Rick and the whole Dream Ctr. Staff....Jeremiah "KRy" Jackson ( www.jeremiahsite.com), Missouriano Fam.....and all ya'll that came out and supported and received. The Glory is God's! If you are in STL, make sure you come out to STL Family Church Friday night at 6pm (Chesterfield Valley)....I'll be Krankin dat up also. Shots out to my TPA folks....I miss y'all!! Redd Krown....I'll see ya'll in a few bit....WE MOVIN!!....Jesus Reignz!
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