Praise God for fruitful ministry! obedience is truly the only way to go when it comes to doing what I do. I received the following email via youtube a few minutes ago, and just wanted to share. I have some more praise reports that I'll be posting soon as well, one of em' is an awesome doctor verified healing report that I received a couple of days ago via voice mail. I'm going to upload it as a podcast if I can. Check this out and rejoice with me! Praise God for giving this sister the "Word" that she needed to hear...through me! The glory is HIS!...
"Whats up I just wanted to say thank you for coming to RWCI cause you really encouraged me to continue singing for Christ and not change, because I was thinking about it, but your song "Nuthin' But The Blood" made me think differently." [ChosenDancer4Christ]
Jesus Is Lord!
It's His Glory or Nuthin' For Ya' Boy!
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