Wednesday, April 13

Find something to be thankful for :) [By Stephanie a.k.a. Mrs. Mynista]

While I was in the waiting room at my pediatrician's office today, a lady came in with two boys, and I overheard her telling the receptionist what was going on. "I'm sorry we are late, but on the way out the door, my one son ran into something, split his forehead open, and he now needs stitches...but I don't have an appointment for him." Her appointment was for her other son! So then I thought to myself that my situation could be a lot worse. Yes, I was taking my son to see the doctor, but at least I didn't have another child who needed stitches! Even in difficult situations, we can all find something to be thankful for :)

Written by Stephanie a.k.a. Mrs. Mynista


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