Kim Clement: "I Will Not Allow this Bush to Depart in Shame From The White House, Says The Lord--From The Month of February it Shall Begin"
December 30, 2006--San Jose, California
"The new source of energy shall resurrect very quickly in 2007, and men and women shall look and say, 'It is time to invest.'"
Signs to this Nation
God spoke to me a few months ago, and He said, "I'm going to send you signs over the Christmas season up to January 10."
He said that over this period, there are things that are going to happen that are going to be signs to this nation and to the nations of the world, that God is only beginning what was predicted and prophesied at the Azusa Street Revival; what was predicted and prophesied in the '48 Revival through the Charismatic movement, that you have not seen yet.
We saw an accumulation of death; this is not a bad thing. What we are seeing today is God giving us signs that the veil is being rent.
An Unveiling of the Lord, High and Lifted Up
The Spirit of God wants me to tell you that in a moment of prophesy, what took place this day with a terrorist, as he caved in realizing just before his last moment, he was getting a glimpse of the One and only King--the Christ. Every man and every woman just before they go, has a glimpse of the Christ.
The Spirit of God says, "Do you understand that in death, there is an unveiling of the Lord, high and lifted up? Do you understand tonight," says the Lord, "even though many reject Me, at the point of their death, there is an unveiling of the Lord God, high and lifted up?"
The Spirit of God says, "Listen, keep your eyes open as you go into the New Year, there will be a strangulation and there will be a burial of many things that took place in 2006. It is now time for Me to bury it in order for resurrection to take place."
God said, "It shall come to pass in the month of February, that I will bring unusual events again. There will be a surrender in a nation that has fought and said, 'Now that Iraq is down, we have been given the opportunity to be lifted up.'" The Spirit of God says, "You will not be lifted up, for I will petrify you with a shaking of the earth, and the wind that shall blow that shall cause great, great fear."
God says, "Once again, I give My promise to those who have called upon My name. The new source of energy shall resurrect very quickly in 2007, and men and women shall look and say, 'It is time to invest.'"
"Listen to Me," says the Lord, "your house is about to receive a visitation of a kind that it has never had before. Your families are about to receive a visitation of a kind that you have never had before," says the Lord.
"I have torn the veil in Saddam Hussein's death for Islamic people to see the Lord, high and lifted up. I have torn the veil in President Ford's death, so that I will enter into the political arena and show Democrat and Republican alike, the Lord, high and lifted up," says the Lord.
A New Release in the Marketplace
God says, "In the death of the grandfather of soul, a nation, a generation of African Americans, shall rise up, and they shall preach; they shall preach with a style that has never been heard before. They shall be the perpetrators and the creators of a brand new soul spirit sound, that shall reach the unreachable and touch the untouchable," says the Lord of Hosts.
A release of the gift of Faith has been given to the people of God. In the death of Billy Graham and Oral Roberts, a veil shall be torn that shall bring evangelism to the earth as never before. This is not a sting of death or the grave. This is a sweet sound of a graduation, of a departure of great men that shall release an acceleration upon this nation and the church, who shall see the Lord in a way, and salvation shall be the order of the day in streets, in factories, on buses, on trains and in planes. God says, "I'm about to take over the market place, and you are the people that shall bring this to pass," says the Lord.
I heard God saying, "You, your house, and your family, have had visitations in the past, but I have set aside 2007 and 2008 for unusual visitations in your households and in your children. Rebellious or Godly, it makes no difference. I will take them from their prisons, and I will take them from their captivities."
kim clement December 31, 2006--San Jose, California
"I will shake the soil of California and Oregon three times. Do not fear--it is a sign"
Invade a Generation
The Spirit of God says, "They tried to remove the children's heart; the children's prayer," but God says, "I'm going to restore prayer into the hearts of the children. The children will begin to pray and their prayers will chase demonic powers."
The Spirit of God says, "Even this year as you have watched, you have seen My glory, and you have seen the pain of many men and women. Even towards the Christmas season, so many signs." God says, "The changes that you saw over a short period of time were signs I sent to this nation that I'm about to invade a generation."
"Look to the children; look to the children, for it shall come to pass that children shall invade the adult mind, and the children shall release upon the Kingdom of God a faith that they have never felt or desired or ever seen before," says the Lord.
"I will take the African American generation at this time, and cause them to become spiritual giants in the Kingdom," says the Lord. "They will become the preachers and the prophets of this hour. They will rap, but they will rap in a different way. I will take the filth and the anxiety and the fear and the rejection out of their songs, and I will cause them to begin to prophesy as they were meant to prophesy," says the Lord.
"For even at the passing of James Brown," God says, "this was the godfather of soul, but now I'm going to release a spiritual sound to the people that were rejected many years ago. Slaves have become kings, therefore, rejoice, for I will do great and wonderful things because of that," says the Spirit of God.
"For even at the passing of the longest living President, it was a sign of My invasion into the political arena." God says, "In every nation, there has been corruption; the days of the United Nations corruption have now officially come to an end," says the Lord.
I Will Set Aflame
"In February 2007, it shall begin rapidly. I will set aflame a burning Bush, for it has been a nation that has been greatly divided. I will not allow this Bush to depart in shame from the White House," says the Lord. "From the month of February, it shall begin rapidly as a fire that takes place in a dry bush and a field that burns rapidly; it shall suddenly all unfold."
"Through your summer months, your economy will be at its greatest. Men shall say, 'How shall we ever be free from the clutch and the strangulation of the Middle East?'", the Lord says, "It's already done." The molecule as an "E," a new source of energy that we have spoken of now to be unfolded; a discovery in a vehicle from Michigan, and they shall say, "It was so simple."
America look to your summer first in February; suddenly as a wild fire, it shall take place for the fires were a sign. The fires of California; the winds that came and returned; they returned to Louisiana; they returned, but so poorly. The wind has blown, the fire has come, and now the Lord says, "In 2007, the wind shall once again come in a spiritual form, but it shall blow away that which has endeavored to stay and make filthy the houses and temples of God. A new source of energy and a new level of evangelism."
Blessings, Favor, and Joy
"In some, I will take something that has been granted to this generation, and I will cause the nations of the world to come into agreement. Many of them shall say, 'How could anyone agree?' In South America, there shall be a tragedy." But God says, "It shall come to pass that it shall slowly cause the people to understand why so much was happening--betrayal, betrayal, the end of betrayal," says the Lord.
"I will fill your house with good things. It is My desire for you to understand that the year upon you is a year of Jubilee. Properties shall be owned by people, debts shall be cleared, creative ideas shall jump and make money, families that are broken shall be united, and atheists shall say, 'There is a God,'" says the Lord.
God says, "I will shake the soil of California and Oregon three times. Do not fear--it is a sign. Everything shall come in three's. No bad luck anymore, only blessings. Blessings, Favor, Joy."
By Kim Clement
Prophetic Image Expressions