What Up Warriaz!
I just wanted to take a moment and encourage ALL of my peoples puttin it down for the Lord in whatever way you doin yo' thang. I frequently visit some message boards (Christian), and I be seein' folks (Christian Folks) talkin' side wayz. Some of em' got big dreams, and thats a GOOD thang, I Have VERY BIG DREAMZ, but while some of these folks are talkin about their dreams, they try to make it look like what everyone else is doin' aint about nuthin'....Dat aint Koole. It don't matter if you from DASOUTH, or whatever CULTURE you like to claim, or wherever you from....just keep on representin DALORD Feel me!? Cause I gotta be real, some of these kats be havin' me smirked up lookin at this computer sometimes....cause the fruit be LOOKIN' like it stanks. The Anointing is tangible Y'all, and if you Anointed, then LOVE should be the number one evidence of that. Lets love eachother and even learn how to agree to disagree. Jesus is Lord, everybody keep on trustin Him, cause He's on His throne, and guess what....He's sharin' it wit' us!
P.S...If you need to forgive someone for offending you, or anythang like that .....now is the time!! Don't wait!! Forgive em'...give it over to God, and let Him deal with them. Audibly renounce that garbage (With your mouth)...bitterness and unforgiveness are very dangerous, and are poisons to your heart...lots of Angels (Messengers) have fallin' because they didn't get these "Toxins" out of their hearts...."God is your vindicator!'
1 God,
1 Body,
1 Life,
1 Death,
1 Eternity
Yeah, I feel ya on that one...I think I know exactly what you're talkin about. The way I see it, if someone's truly reppin' Jesus in their music (or anything else) than they deserve 5 mics (or 2 thumbs up... whatever). I don't care if it's southern, east coast, west coast, wherever....If God is their focus then I love that. When it comes to Christian artists I'm feelin' all of 'em! Too bad I can't afford to buy everyone's music at once...
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