Friday, January 27

1/27/06 - [2006 is the Year of Planting, Pruning, and Building]

I got this in an's so on point and blessed me BIG TIME!


January 26, 2006

"2006 is the Year of Planting, Pruning, and Building"
--Hector Torres

Hispanic International Ministries Inc.
PO Box 1483
Queen Creek, AZ 85242

As I seek the Lord for direction to the ministry this year, I believe He is telling me that 2006 will be a year of beginnings. The year 2005 has concluded a time of testimony, grace, and rest. We are now entering a new time--a time of restitution of all things the enemy has withheld that have hindered the Church from entering into the fullness of the Kingdom.

The Church will step up from wanting to be blessed, to becoming an instrument of blessing to the nations. It will rise up to take its rightful position as an instrument of restoration and reconciliation. It will begin to enter into all phases needed for setting up the installation of the Kingdom of God on earth--a process of transformation of families, cities, and nations that will begin with a severe pruning from within the Church itself.

For these reasons, 2006 will be a key year in sowing and building. It is a great commission time to save the lost and to destroy the works of the devil, to be fruitful and multiply, and to exercise dominion.

How Building will be accomplished:

The apostolic and prophetic will be activated with understanding. God is raising up a generation of equippers that have come into the revelation of God's purposes for the Church with concepts that have been revealed over the last 15 to 20 years. These equippers will activate the Church in the glorious manifestation of God's authority and power. Apostolic and prophetic churches will be raised, as many of its leaders will flow in a new measure and evidence of the anointing and character of their lives.

City churches and national churches will begin to be built. This means that many mega churches will abandon their goals for church growth to make an emphasis on Kingdom growth. A vision for the transformation of cities, regions, and nations will begin to override and remove the denominational barriers that, up until now, have crippled the Church. Many of these churches will begin to work, as never before, towards a concept of true, Biblical unity in the Body of Christ.

God will begin to pour out unprecedented finances on these churches, leaders, and ministries as seeds for investing in a great harvest. Some will be prosperous in order to invest in the ministry and vision of others. Others will be blessed with the human and technological resources to enable them to work and build the Kingdom of God through the unity of His Body. We need to prepare and use the tools that God has given us to work for and with others of Kingdom vision.

Alliances and coalitions will be instrumental. Spiritual alliances will be formed that will NOT be personally, carnally, or selfishly motivated, nor will these alliances be looking for self-blessing or receiving, but to be a blessing to the cities and nations. This will release God's visitation, as a kairos of God will be unleashed. In addition, these alliances will establish a sense of accountability, personal ethics, and integrity that will be observed by the unbelievers and restore a measure of trust from those within and without.

Independence and separation will be exposed, as the lack of Biblical humility and pride will be exposed in every facet of ministry. Many who operate without relational accountability will gradually lose their favor and anointing and, like the fig tree, will bear no fruit. This pruning will bring many to an understanding of the need for living, operating, and ministering in accountable relationships.

The Church will Need to Begin to Build Altars of Worship

A new dimension of social evangelism will begin to take its place of importance in the outreach of souls as the Church will focus on meeting the needs of the poor, the victims of injustice, the prisoners, the widows, and the orphans.

Pruning in the office of the prophet will begin. God will begin to raise up, build, train, equip, activate, and release a prophetic generation that will be unleashed on the churches to comfort, build, and edify the Church. Prophets will begin to find their rightful place in the Church, with a proper anointing, understanding of the times, and their calling. Prophets given to mysticisms without Biblical precedent and/or soulish prophetic words will be moved to correction or be removed from their office.

The Church will need to begin to build altars of worship--a new dimension of prophetic worship and warfare worship, inspired by the Spirit, where voices and instruments will flow into the Holy of Holies and to the very presence of the Living God.

Right now, instrumentalists and Psalmists are being prepared, many of them in the least expected places, that will begin to flow with an unprecedented anointing which will bring down the SHEKINAH and will open the heavens and release warfare authority to pull down territorial strongholds in cities, regions, and nations. Worship vigils, worship services, and worship events will unleash angelical armies to do warfare, as in the times of Daniel the prophet, against principalities and powers in heavenly places.

Political & Impresario Alliances will Rise Up

Political and impresario alliances will rise up. A new generation of politicians, businessmen, and professionals will begin to unite, strategize, and work together for the sake of the Kingdom. Many churches will begin to understand the need for their involvement in politics and business in order to positively influence the economy and government of cities, regions, and nations.

There will be a surge in the desire to actively be involved and placed in these areas of society in order to become influencers and spokespeople. They will be moved to become a part of (but will need to keep themselves from being contaminated by) the pursuits of worldly success--Mammon or Egypt. God will choose from among these people to raise up Daniel's, Joseph's, Nehemiah's, and Esther's--those that are proven to be faithful, humble, ethical, and of integrity.

For the Lord would say, "I am preparing My Church to be without spot or wrinkle. My judgment will begin within My Church, and I will be pleased with the final result. I am building My Church, and many are laboring in vain because My Kingdom is not their vision, goal, or desire. It is a time for building, reforming, restoring, and planting. My desire is to see My glory manifested through My Church, that the world may see."

"Birth pains, shakings, civil wars, and rumors of wars are here. Violence will erupt in many nations this year as My Kingdom suffers violence. In Latin America, My harvest will be great, but the opposition will be fierce. Some nations will see major bloodshed, and some will see reconciliation and SHALOM."

by Hector Torres
Hispanic International Ministries Inc.
PO Box 1483
Queen Creek, AZ 85242

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