This is a post from our Message board by "Aaron" about "Whyte Fyre Boyz : WorldWide Warriaz"
...Also tonight, after I got off work, I saw a Muslim girl named Hannah who I haven't talked to much because GOD hasn't told me to witness to her heavily, but since I saw her walking in the parking lot with her "friend/driver/boyfriend/sibling I had to quickly turn to track 12, which is 'JESUS (Our Anthem)" and then fast forward a bit to get close to the chorus, and then let it play and after wasting a moment by pretending I'm busy in the car, I then started to drive off slowly and when I glanced out the window on the right I saw Hannah's head turned toward my car. She was listening. lol. I then drove away so happy because my 15 second mission was fulfilled. She heard the whole chorus and I assume she knew it was me.
I love having songs such as "JESUS (Our Anthem)" handy in case I want to use them when cetain people around, that way they will clearly know that what I'm listening to is about JESUS Christ. Often times people hear my music, and even the words, but during the short period of time they hear it they don't recognize it as holy music. Anyways, today went perfect.
Excellent job on the album. Like you said, the fyre is spreading.
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