Saturday, July 22

7/22 [In "The Lou"]

What up Warriaz!!

this is just an update from ya boy....I know it's been a while since I've given you fokes an here ya go!!

Right now I'm in the "Lou"....St. Louis that is. God has been doing some awesome things with, for, and through ya boy!...On thursday morning I went into the inner city (Dwight Davis Park) and ministered there with Service International....that was awesome....lotsa fokes gave their lives to Jesus! Then on Friday night I krunk up at Stl Family Church....God did His thang there as well! Sat. Morning at 5:30 am, I was the guest on a talk show called "All About Youth" with Laurie Faulkerson on the WB network (Channel 11 in STL) that was an awesome opportunity to share the Christ "In Me" and of Course God got all of the Glory! The Whyte Fyre Boyz project is touchin lots of lives already, and it just came out! I praise God for all that He is doing....and for all that He is about to do....cause we aint seen nuttin yet!! Jesus Reignz!!

P.S. ... I'll have some video footage (Mynista T.V.) and new pics up soon!!
Keep on Trustin.....stay "IN FAITH"....and "ONLY BELIEVE"!
Oh yeah....and to all of you that are financially partnered up with this ministry....EXPECT....EXPECT....EXPECT!! cause here comes YOURZ!!
My rewards are your rewards!

Jesus Reignz!

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