Most people with understanding will say "I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS" simply because we know that the enemy is a thief and only comes to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10)....and Jesus came to give us life....ABUNDANT LIFE as a matter of fact. The Children of Israel were told to mark the door posts of their homes with the Blood of the lamb that they were instructed to sacrifice and eat on the night of the "Passover" (Exodus 12). That blood was symbolic of the Blood of our Crucified Savior, Jesus Christ. When the death spirit passed through to kill the first born of the Egyptians, the spirit had no authority to harm any thing belonging to the children of Israel because of The Blood, and had to "PASSOVER".
With all of that said...Satan and his camp are thieves, and even though we have authority through the Blood of Jesus...Satan and team gets reckless and tries to violate our God given rights (to peace, joy, the ABUNDANT LIFE, etc.), and put their hands on our lives....God's "Children of Israel" today through the Blood of Jesus Christ. "Pleading" the Blood Of Jesus in proper context is just using the authority given to us as Christians (LUKE 10:19), and reminding "Satan and Team" that the Blood has been applied to the door posts of our lives, so they have to "FREEZE" (MATH 18:18) as if the police were arresting criminals...because that's what they are....spiritual criminals.
So for get attacked with a disease, or sickness (a form of death that entered in through Adams sin (ROM 5:17)...."I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS!"
discord, strife, contention enters your home, relationships, marriage etc....."I PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS!"
....and so on, and so on. The Blood of Jesus is LIFE....It has already been applied to your life if you are a Christian, but most of the time, the enemy tries to ignore it...don't allow him to do so in your life. Use the authority God gave you through the awesome Blood of His Son Jesus up your mouth and PLEAD THE BLOOD OF JESUS! (ROM 10:9,10).
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