Victory Life Church Campmeeting
1741 West Queen Street
Hampton, VA 23666
7pm (Mynista on Aug. 9th, and 10th Only)

:: Order MYNISTA: "Signs, Miracles, and Wonders" ::
:: Add this MYNISTA graphic to YOUR PROFILE!! ::
:: WWW.MYNISTAMUSIC.COM (myspace) ::
I just wanted to let all of our partners and supporters know that we have made it convenient for you to give online via paypal.
We were recently contacted by someone that wanted to know how they could partner up with this ministry financially, and I had already planned on implementing online giving to our websites a while ago, but I was considering the options. So now if the Holy Spirit leads you to hook up with us in this work of His, you can visit us online at (sow a seed link) or and click on the "Make a donation" button to sow your seed! For those of you that would like to give via mail, the mailing address is:
P.O. Box 3696
The ministry is continuing to be very fruitful (PHOTOS) (YOUTUBE), as we are seeing souls of all ages and ethnic backgrounds come to Christ regularly, and God continues to confirm the preaching of His word through us with "Signs, Miracles, And Wonders"....and this is just the beginning!
Right now I am believing God for the finances that we need in order to take our recording facility to "The Next Level", If you would like to be apart of that specifically, please let me know by emailing me at I have a list of the needed equipment available for you, along with the prices and links/websites where these items may be purchased at.
Your financial gift helps this ministry of The Holy Spirit to GO! (Mark 16:15) May God bless you abundantly as you give to take the life-saving and miracle-working Gospel of Jesus Christ around the globe.
In Christ Jesus Forever!
P.S....Check out these praise reports!
"This guy right here (MYNISTA), helped change my life!! When I felt like I couldnt reach people, Mynista ministered to me. Especially through "Da Ghetto Shepard"
thanks fo yo help.
Praise Him Mynista,
I don't know if you remember me, but at Wash Tab I told you I'd hit you up on here. I didn't know that you weren't in my friends list. As much as I visit your page I didn't even realize it.
Anyway, I just wanted to say that you have an awesome testimony and you are truly anointed. The first time I saw you at Grace Fellowship Church and you did, "Put Ya Fist Up" that was awesome. I needed that and Jesus delivered me from some things through your song.
So I wanted to let you know to stay encouraged and keep doing what you are doing for Jesus.
Tamica (Surprise, Surprise, I'm Still Here! (In JESUS)
I just wanted to let you know how touching your music is..... I know you hear it all the time, but wow. My husband is an aspiring Christian R&B artist (aka R&P) and I won't bother you with all the details, but right now we are struggling with 3 kids, full time jobs each, and now his studio time.... life is insane... I felt myself drifting away, not because I wanted to be away from God, but it was almost like a force holding me back from him.. I was torn between "do I read my bible, do I pray, do I go to church tonight?" It sounds insane because I love God and before there was no question on where I wanted to spend my time. He has brought me through way too much to forget it, and now we should be depending on him more than ever to fulfill his calling. When I looked at your page today and began listening to your music I could feel God's presence.. and then I saw your slideshow. Every single picture was gut wrenching. How could I be so selfish in my own pity-party? I have seen God's glory with my own eyes and felt his presence so many times.. the pictures were all too familiar with what I have experienced. As I watched tears began to fall as I remembered all that He has taken me through.. I could give you a testimony of my life, but I feel like I am supposed to thank you for your testimony. I know you have God's annointing.. how else could a "silly" myspace account bring me to my knees back to that place of repentance? I know nothing about your wife, but tell her thank you. Seeing her in that one and only photo gave me reassurance. I don't know when you met her in the process of your musical career, but something tells me she has had a journey of ups and downs, and seeing how happy she looks gives me peace of mind as my husband and I begin our own journey. Right now I am emotionally struggling.... it's just so overwhelming and exhausting... but by God opening my eyes through both your music and experiences, I am reminded of Who's work we are fulfilling. Thanks and God bless!
"Awesome MYNISTA at JUMP! I had a little 9 yr old girl in my group with her arms folded at all the JUMP songs and I stood next to her trying to get her to "JUMP" yet still the music wasn't moving her. Chelsea introduces you and I asked this little girl if she likes HIP HOP. She nodded and I added, "well then you're in for a big surprise." You got out there, she looked at me and smiled. I smiled at her with the approval to go up to the front of the stage. She ran up there to rock out to your music. Your music moved her! =) MYNISTA ROCKS!"
From Liezl