Monday, October 1

10/1/07 [HOLY SPIRIT POWER by Oral Roberts]

Holy Spirit Power
by Oral Roberts

The Day of Pentecost was a day like none other. As 120 of Jesus’ disciples filled the Upper Room, silence fell. It was a silence, I believe, like the one in heaven spoken of in Revelation 8:1.

Then, like a bolt of lightning, the sound as of a mighty rushing wind filled the air. In a moment’s time, the Holy Spirit, the other Comforter Jesus promised to send to His disciples in His place, whipped through the Upper Room like the holy wind of God. And as each of the disciples looked around the room, they could see flashes of God’s power streak down like cloven tongues of fire and settle upon the heads of each of the disciples. This was what Jesus meant when He told them, Ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you (Acts 1:8).

Although the disciples had gone into hiding in the Upper Room for fear of the Jews, they left that room filled with supernatural power and speaking with tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance! (See Acts 2:1-4.) What a spectacle it must have been to the crowd of onlookers who now heard the disciples, all unlearned Galileans, declaring praises to God in their own native tongue!

This outpouring of the Holy Spirit transformed the lives of ordinary men into something extraordinary, and it set loose a mighty move of miracles that continues to this day. That same Spirit who filled the disciples with power on the Day of Pentecost now dwells in you to transform your ordinary life into one that is extraordinary and a bold witness for Jesus.

My Declaration of Faith for Today
As I submit my life to the Holy Spirit, He transforms it into one that is extraordinary and a bold witness for Jesus.


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