Monday, November 12

11/12/07 [God's Way] (By Stephanie a.k.a. "Mrs. Mynista")

There’s a difference between God’s will and God’s way.
People are always praying for God’s will to be done
in their lives, which is good, but sometimes you just
need to educate yourself about what God’s way would be
in your situation and do that.

For example, you can’t pray for God’s will to be done
in your finances and just sit back doing nothing and
expect for money to fall from the sky. You need to
discover God’s way, which is the giving of your tithe
as well as offerings. Be obedient to God’s way and
then witness His will come to pass, i.e. financial

You can’t expect God’s will if you’re not following
His way.

For example, you can’t expect to live a long, healthy
life, which is God’s will, if you’re eating trash and
not being active. Learn how to live and eat God’s
way, and you’ll walk in His will of divine health.

The more you acquaint yourself with the Word of God,
which is His blueprint for every area of your life,
the more equipped you are to walk according to His
will and His way. The Bible tells us to hide His Word
in our hearts so that we won’t sin against Him.
Sinning is simply missing the mark. The more Word you
have in you, along with the strength and guidance of
the Holy Spirit, the less you will miss His mark in
your daily life.

Stephanie a.k.a. "Mrs. Mynista"


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