Wednesday, November 28

11/28/07 [MYNISTA "2 U" TALK RADIO THUR. 11/29 @ 9pm central]

...::Next on "MYNISTA 2 U TALK RADIO" ::...

[THURSDAY 11/29/07 @ 9pm Central time]
(347) 215-8180 (CALL IN LIVE!!)

MYNISTA and Christian Worship Center's (Natchitoches, LA) youth pastor "Derek Carson" talk about God's expectations for todays youth. MYNISTA recently ministered to Derek's youth group/young adults, and "FIRE" is all we can say! The Glory is God's! Feel free to call in. We will also be joined by some of CWC's youth as well. This will be a 45 minute show.

P.S....Don't worry about missing a show, all shows will be recorded and uploaded to the website for streaming 15 minutes after the show is completed!

Jesus Reignz!


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