God is doing awesome things in the world, and He's using us! aint' that somethin' to "WOW" about??
I receive a lot of praise reports and encouraging emails, and I thought that it would be good to share a few that I received last week. I praise God for the privilege to "represent" Him with my life and music. All of the Glory is His! I'd like to thank my prayer partners and financial partners for linking up with me as I advance the Kingdom of God into the Earth, with the pioneering Spirit of Jesus Christ. Expect to be rewarded by God HERE on Earth...NOW! (check out the praise reports below).
Jesus Reignz!
You were at C.O.T.R Camp and my son was there. Your message really touched him and he bought your cd. He nagged me for days, I didn't think that I would like your music, so I kept putting him off. But one day he put it in the cd player and just started playing it, I was doing dishes and I went into his room and asked him who was playing and he told me you. I absolutely love your music. I took your cd to the daycare I work at, and played it for the school agers and they really like it too.
Thank you for sharing what the Lord has done for you. And for reaching areas that no one else can get to, and that is our kids.
I log on to your page (myspace) all the time just to check on how you are doing and each time I am more and more proud of you! God bless you for what you are doing. You have a gift that is reaching down to the ground level...the kids. Its the kids who are the future of the church and your message is spreading like fire. You are letting these kids know that its COOL to praise God and live a spirit-filled life. You are showing them It's alright to wear your Christian colors and let the world know what you proclaim. I pray that you have much success and many blessings upon your house and your ministry! You are truly an inspiration and an example. Keep up the Lord's work.
Hey dude, I jus got through listening to your talk radio show. i just wanted to holla and let u know that your words of faith are really inspiring. they have helped me in my search of Our Fathers plan for me. I am thankful to God for his children like you. anyways your music and ministry is much appreciated. Keep up the good work.
Man look, I just wanted to let you know that you changed my life. You had came to my church in Alexandria, LA and you were awesome! now I just cant get enough of ur songs!!!! but i just wanted to say thank you and God bless.
-MYNISTA a.k.a. Docta Wuzdead