Thursday, January 17


Some one had a question for me on myspace...this was my blessed!......


First, when I got saved, I just continued to my words now are God inspired "Heart" Words. I didn't try to start "Christian Rapping"....if that makes since. I just started living for Christ/became a Christian, and kept rapping. When it's real...the music/work will line up as well. As far as you and rapping, It's so important to first off, be real with God, and then real with yourself. Rap is just the art form, it does not necessarily mean that you have to try to reach "The Streets" with it. God has done an awesome work on my perspective in this area, and the streets, inner city, and kids are no longer my only focus....I focus on the WORLD, which INCLUDES THE STREETS (Mark 16:15). So now...I'm in the suburbs with it...the streets (urban/inner city), and anywhere else. There are so many people lost...everywhere....and "Holy Spirit filled rap music" contains the power to reach em'. So my point is, don't feel like you have to "Street yourself up" to make a difference. you can still rap "from the heart" over bangin' beats....and touch someone...anyone for Christ. Talk like you talk in real life over the beats, it's so important to be authentic. As far as school....I think that you should still continue pursuing your education....that's a great thing. You can still pursue music at the sametime. there are people in your classes that need to hear what you have off in ya! Remember...Jesus came to "Seek that which is lost"....not only the streets and urban community....but everyone. I live in the suburbs now, and even though I'm from "Da Hood", I see that the needs are still the suburban neighbors need Jesus just as much as the streets do. The only difference is the way the people talk and dress (sometimes) lol. When most people hear the word "Outreach", they immediately think of "Da Hood"..."Da' Ghetto"..."Urban Missions" and etc. Outreach is way more than that limited perception. Outreach is reaching out to a dead WORLD with the life bringing message of Jesus Christ...and that even includes Wall Street.

I hope this helps in some way, shape or form!
Jesus Reignz!

Holla' At Me!

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