The INCREDIBLE Coming Move Of God...
Through Mynista, by The Holy Ghost
INCREDIBLE (adj.)- Too unlikely to be believed; unbelievable; EXTRAORDINARY; ASTONISHING.
The Holy Spirit, and The Saints of God In Christ, are "gearing up" to BEGIN something that will be unbelievable to some, and discredited by those who choose to side with unbelief (just like the MOVE of The Holy Spirit through JESUS was when He ministered here on Earth). Every true MOVE of God has always been furiously contested by the enemy and his "kingdom." This MOVE is no exception, and it will even see a greater level of "contesting" from the enemy than some past moves of God. But God has already equipped His "fitted" WARRIORS (not worriers) with a GREATER level of GRACE, and a GREATER LEVEL OF HIS ANOINTING!
God is extending the enlisting period for this move, and wants YOU to know that HE DESIRES TO USE YOU! If you desire to be used, please report to His "secret laboratory" for further instructions. Time is short (to get in and BE USED in the coming move), so be diligent in your pursuit!
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