Well I'm back from another amazing time of ministry in "the field!" God has been doing some mighty things everywhere that we have been going! It's harvest time I tell ya!
I never really "count" when it comes to the number of people that step forward during altar calls, but I know that we have been seeing A LOT of souls "pledging allegiance to Christ Jesus!"
On May 6th 2009, me and my homie Slugger Roo were in concert at St. Louis family Church (my home base). We had an awesome "Rap Party" over in club XL for all of the high school aged fokes...man it was ANOINTED...and FUN! Then from there, on May 9th, my homie Point5 met me at my "crib", and we headed out to Springfield, MO for a couple days of ministry, and man...God did His thang through ya' boyz! The testimonies were already flowing in before we even left the city, so praise God for GOOD FRUIT!
I had waaaaayyyyyy more video footage than this, but some of my footage got corrupted when I was trying to send it to my computer. I think it was the devil...
I even had an awesome interview with my Pastor (Jeff Perry). It's O.K. though, I still have the VICTORY! Peep the vid! (yeah, I was playin' with my video editor again, that's what's up with the crazy colors)...
[if you are receiving this post via email click on the post title to view the vid, thanks!]

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