What up fam!
I hope all is well with you! If you're serving Christ Jesus "full on," I KNOW that all is well with you, regardless of what your current circumstances look like.
I just wanted to take a moment to publicly repent for something that I feel God has been dealing with me about.
If you have been to any of my recent concerts, or if you've seen me out and about, you most likely saw me rockin' a pair of "OSIRIS BRONX" shoes (I HAD 2 pair). When I first got these shoes, the company's name didn't even register on my OCCULT RADAR. I was completely ignorant of who OSIRIS really was, or should I say who HE really IS. I just thought the shoes were really fly looking! So I copped em' (bought them).
Even though I'm fully aware of the wickedness and dangers of FREEMASONRY and the RELIGION'S secrets and oaths, I'm still not fully aware of all the details regarding the deities (DEMONS) that they worship (some of the lower degree Freemasons aren't fully aware either). It's a learning process. The Holy Ghost is constantly teaching, revealing, and exposing the secrets of this "unfruitful work of darkness (Ephesians 5:11)" to me. So from now on, when I'm exposed to what I feel is blatant truth (not reaching or theory) concerning this topic, I'm going to do my best to share it with you.
A little while ago, I realized that the logo for the shoe was actually the "all seeing eye" of Horus. I'm not going to go into detail on who Horus is and all of that. What you need to know (in this post) is that He's a pagan "god (demon)" that was worshipped by the Egyptians, and is still worshipped by Freemasons today. Horus is believed to be the son of pagan "gods" OSIRIS and Isis.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about OSIRIS:
Osiris (Greek language, also Usiris; the Egyptian language name is variously transliterated Asar, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, Usir, Usire or Ausare) was an Egyptian god, usually called the god of the Afterlife, underworld or dead.
I was recently doing some research and found out that occultists believe that HORUS and OSIRIS are alternate names for SATAN! 'Nuff said right there!
Recently I began to feel uneasy about wearing my shoes, so I started to pray and ask God about it. The America that we live in is not the supposed "Christian America" that some people would like it to be. Many signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons (click here for an expose on Freemasonry). George Washington (our 1st president) was a Freemason. Some supermarkets, retail chains, car companies etc. are truly Masonic in origin. So am I gonna' go back to the "horse and buggy?" No. But when it comes to things like this; the blatant promotion of false god's and demon worship, I have to "buck."
I praise God for His Grace during my ignorance and learning, but now that I have been convicted, I must repent, expose, and move on. So please forgive me for wearing those shoes! I publicly renounce the OSIRIS brand (since I publicly promoted em'). I refuse to knowingly offend my God or His people! I'm expecting great things to take place in my life and ministry, and I refuse to hinder God's "blessing" over a pair of shoes. So I die to self again.
There's so much more that I want to share with you about this stuff, so subscribe to my blog to stay tuned! If you have a pair of these shoes, I pray that you do it like me and trash the garbage! I know they aren't cheap shoes, but the sacrifice is worth it! Trust me, I'm "feeling it" as I let them go myself...they were my favorite shoes.
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (Ephesians 5:11)."
Mynista a.k.a. Docta Wuzdead

A little while ago, I realized that the logo for the shoe was actually the "all seeing eye" of Horus. I'm not going to go into detail on who Horus is and all of that. What you need to know (in this post) is that He's a pagan "god (demon)" that was worshipped by the Egyptians, and is still worshipped by Freemasons today. Horus is believed to be the son of pagan "gods" OSIRIS and Isis.
Here is what Wikipedia has to say about OSIRIS:
Osiris (Greek language, also Usiris; the Egyptian language name is variously transliterated Asar, Aser, Ausar, Ausir, Wesir, Usir, Usire or Ausare) was an Egyptian god, usually called the god of the Afterlife, underworld or dead.
I was recently doing some research and found out that occultists believe that HORUS and OSIRIS are alternate names for SATAN! 'Nuff said right there!
Recently I began to feel uneasy about wearing my shoes, so I started to pray and ask God about it. The America that we live in is not the supposed "Christian America" that some people would like it to be. Many signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons (click here for an expose on Freemasonry). George Washington (our 1st president) was a Freemason. Some supermarkets, retail chains, car companies etc. are truly Masonic in origin. So am I gonna' go back to the "horse and buggy?" No. But when it comes to things like this; the blatant promotion of false god's and demon worship, I have to "buck."
I praise God for His Grace during my ignorance and learning, but now that I have been convicted, I must repent, expose, and move on. So please forgive me for wearing those shoes! I publicly renounce the OSIRIS brand (since I publicly promoted em'). I refuse to knowingly offend my God or His people! I'm expecting great things to take place in my life and ministry, and I refuse to hinder God's "blessing" over a pair of shoes. So I die to self again.
There's so much more that I want to share with you about this stuff, so subscribe to my blog to stay tuned! If you have a pair of these shoes, I pray that you do it like me and trash the garbage! I know they aren't cheap shoes, but the sacrifice is worth it! Trust me, I'm "feeling it" as I let them go myself...they were my favorite shoes.
"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them (Ephesians 5:11)."
Mynista a.k.a. Docta Wuzdead

deep post bra..btw u need to allow ppl ling up with facebook..
Thanks fam. I just fixed it so you can log in and post to Facebook. 8-)
true thats whats up bra
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