I received this encouraging email via Youtube today, and thought that I would share! All of the GLORY is The Lord's! Check it out!
I remember being on the playground at Kelso elementary in Inglewood Ca with a bunch of other kids around 1978 singing out "I said a Hip Hop a Hibbee ...." (Sugar HIll gang Rappers Delight). I remember this like it was yesterday. Rap music is infectious.
God has anointed your rhymes so that it delivers the WORD like no other "Christian" rapper I've heard. Not only does the music itself "Bump in my Trunk" but it is Spirit filled and Spirit led. And we know God's WORD never returns void. This is why I feel it's important that I do my part and share this music. Introduce people to REAL Gospel rap music. You know the kind that actually has the Gospel in it... LOL.
Keep pushin for the LORD. I pray that HE continues to anoint "you" (meaning you, wife and family, cause '"you" are one unit), set you apart, impart wisdom, knowledge, understanding and discernment in your spirit at all times. That your soul prospers greatly as you seek and promote HIS Kingdom.
The enemy hates those who are in music ministry probably more than any other human cause he was once a heavenly musical angel the WORD tells us. So I know you go through many battles and trials for your steadfastness in getting pure WORD out there and not watered down lyrics. Sometimes when things are going on around us, flooding... we think it's best to wait until things cool off and die down... That's easy. The real test is when we Go Through that river, that flood, knowing that at that point GOD will be able to manifest HIMSELF in us and show HIS glory through our victory, our testimony.
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