Recently I made a very hard important decision concerning Facebook. I felt like a few people on my friends list were posting and promoting things, that I feel are a threat to my personal faith walk, and a threat to the effectiveness of the Body of Christ period. If you do not know by now, I am not a Calvinist, and I do not agree with the doctrines of Calvinism and reformed theology (mainly the TULIP). I'm simply a FULL GOSPEL, bible believing CHRISTIAN! So to get straight to the point, I had to delete a few fokes from my friends list (and I'll probably be deleting more if I feel that I need to).
What made the decision so hard for me is that a few of these people I know personally and I truly love 'em, But I have to guard my heart, and I have to contend for The Faith that was once delivered. Some of the fokes that got deleted actually called me their mentor at one time...before they went to a faithless seminary, or before they got a heart full of some faithless music. Some of the people that got deleted are popular Christian rap artists, but regardless of the genre title, Truth is Truth, and error is error.
I've seen these doctrines shipwreck the lives of believers who were once "on fire."
When I say fire, I'm not talking about zeal or passion, I'm talking about "Holy Ghost Fire!"...PENTECOST (yeah, I believe that Holy Ghost baptism, tongues, signs, miracles, and wonders are for today, and are ESSENTIAL to what God wills to do IN and THROUGH The Body of Christ TODAY).
(I don't believe that Holy Ghost baptism with the evidence of speaking in tongues is needed to go to heaven though. Just to make that clear).
I already know what some people will say, simply because they are programmed to think this way. They will say that this is bringing division and that I should be trying to "unify" with these people. I do not agree.
There are certain things that are non-negotiable, especially when it comes to things concerning the expression of God's character and His love (Which Jesus was an express image of during His time here on Earth).
I believe that man has a free will. Throughout the bible people are directed by God to make CHOICES. Starting with Adam and Eve.
Yes, I believe that God is sovereign, and I believe (according to His Word) that in His sovereignty He will not violate His Word...this is a partnership, not a dictatorship. It's possible to grieve and quench The Holy Ghost.
I don't believe that His grace is irresistible, Man CAN resist God's grace.
I believe that Salvation is for ALL, and not only for an elect few. The elect & chosen are simply those who believe on Jesus (John 3:16). He chose to have mercy on ALL! The called are those who hear the Gospel period. Many ARE CALLED, few are chosen (believe).
I don't believe that God sovereignly chooses who He is going to heal, and who He's not going to heal, what kind of FATHER is that? Healing is in the Atonement, and divine healing, along with salvation is His divine will for ALL. God is a GOOD GOD!
So if you were one of the people that got deleted from my friends list, know that I love you, I really do, but I love and reverence God AND HIS PLAN more. I know there's lots of people on my Facebook friends list that are probably Calvinist / reformed, but if you got removed, that means that you are really pushing that mess.
I know that some people could care less, but this is for the ones that emailed me asking why they got deleted.
If you're a Pastor of a Faith / Word / Full Gospel church, BE ON YOUR WATCH. Your kids / flock are being targeted by these artist. They don't mind coming to your church to "minister." I've personally seen them talking on message boards (and on songs) saying that they are trying to get your people out of "that teaching." That's wolfish in my book.
This is something that I had been praying about for YEARS, and now I feel like God is saying "Son, it's time to talk."
If you plan on trying to debate me or plan on sending me some long drawn out teaching etc., please don't even waste your time, I've already heard it, and I'm standing firm in The Faith...BY FAITH.
I believe that God is with me, and if He be for me, who can be against me?
"For King and Kingdom!"
Mynista a.k.a. Docta Wuzdead
P.S. I know of many people that feel the exact same way that I do....y'all can come out of that closet now, Fear Not! Lol!

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