I love sharing these praise reports, I've been getting a lot of em' lately praise God! Souls have been coming into the Kingdom, bodies are being healed...people are being "LIBERATED!" I praise God for His grace, ALL of the glory is HIS! I'll post up some more of these as The Holy Spirit leads! JESUS IS LORD!
I praise God for your Ministry, God has truly used you, Luke 4: 18-19 , the blind see the captives set free. My 14 yr old who was adopted 1 & 1/2 yrs ago has truly been set free and now she See's. She's On fire for God and writing worship praise raps with lyrics that blow my mind. Her lyrics are phenomenal, deep with deliverance and praise. When Maryna came to the USA she didn't speak English, wasn't saved, & was burdened down with a hard heavy heart. Now she is soaring like an Eagle with God. THANK YOU JESUS for faithful laborers like Mynista. Cant wait to see what Gods going to do with this dynamo!!!
-Angi Shrum (Marynas Mom)

All I want to say is that I understand now.....not everything, but enough to see that the only way 4 me 2 have peace in my life and soul is thru Jesus.....I am also a rapper lost in the parallel between good and evil. My soul has hunger, but no food fills me....My soul has thirst, but no drink quenches my heart......but after seeing ur interview on Youtube, I feel there is still hope because if God saved U, than I know I can be saved 2......I refuse 2 bow 2 the illuminati..........
I thank the Lord God 4 providing us street soldiers with an opportunity 2 change...........
Reel talk.....I feel like I´m standing beside myself now, and what I see,,,,,,,,,,,,,brings fear 2 my heart........
Thanks for stoppin' by to holla at me bruh. Receiving the FREE gift of salvation/righteousness through Jesus Christ is actually the first step/entry point into LIFE and peace. God's kind of peace. It's not going to always be easy, but for those of us who are HIS...He's always with us. He has an amazing plan and purpose for ya' life my dood, but that plan and purpose does not "exist" outside of Him. I encourage you to seek him. Talk to Him daily (pray), & feed on His Word. As you do these things, He will begin to "reveal Himself" to you even more! Not only that, He will also BEGIN to show you who you have become "IN HIM!" Trust Him bruh, and hit me up anytime! I will be praying for you today. Ask Him to give you clarity. One of the great things about being a Christian is that "In Him." you don't have to fear anything. He gives us a spirit of "Love, power, and of a SOUND MIND...not a spirit of fear!" [2 Timothy 1:7] Check that out when you get a chance! Jesus Is lord! 8-)
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