First just let me say I'M HONORED, and all glory to The Lord Jesus! Check out the message dood sent me, then peep the vid and the entire project/song. Fresh!
Greetings Brother in Christ,
My name is Aaron Cook, One half of the christian team One Life Productions. It's so funny, a few years ago, I ran across your testimony here on youtube not knowing that in 2009 and certain periods of this year, that I'd be offered the same opportunities to sell out for earthly prosperity during my times of lack. God is a keeper and my sustainer tho bro and i thank him everyday for His mercies and keeping power. Anyway, not to make this message too long, I wrote a song about my experience. I used parts of your testimony in the song to fit my own...the video is attached. My partner did the track but you can listen to the whole song in it's entirety at The name of the song is called the proposition. I pray that it blesses you the way your testimony was a blessing to me in my time of struggle. God Bless you brother.
Aaron C. cook
One Life Productions
1 life 1 christ
Listen To / Buy The Full Song Here:

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