Dear Mynista:
Just want to let you know that me and my husband, Jerry appreciate your sincerity and the rich spiritual lyrics you pair with your music. Honestly, we have never been rap music fans, but we are a fan of Mynista! (Because you are certainly a hard core fan of Jesus.) You don't just entertain, you are a disciple, discipling others in the Word through rap. Sometimes I will come home to the house hopping, Jerry has the music up so loud. But I don't mind! I just bought two CDs for my friend, Bonnie's grandson, Tony. I know you will be impacting his life too! We pray God blesses you as you have blessed us! We believe in you and your calling!
Agape, Anna Roethler [Via Email]
Delivered: AGAIN!
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him out of them all. (Psalm 34:19)
December 23, 2011 began just like any other day for me and I went about my day as I always do. I woke up early, felt good, and had a great workout while listening to Mynista (which became a significant factor before the end of the day).
Mynista, sir if you happen to read this, I personally want to thank you for answering God’s call. Dude can preach! And you are making an amazing impact on my children! I thank you for your "Holy Ghost Filled Rap Music"!
I came back home and finished up some work. It was a nice relaxing day until noon. Suddenly fatigue hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn’t figure out why I was so tired because I had been sleeping really well. I told my husband, Mike, I was going to rest for about half hour.
Three hours later I woke up cold and I could not get warm. It was 85 degrees outside and I was covered up with everything I could find. I even cocooned myself in all my pillows! After two hours of trying to get warm, I was nauseated. Details are spared, I can hear the thank yous already! Twenty minutes later, Mike helped me back to bed because I was so weak I couldn’t get myself off the bathroom floor.
I did what I always do when adversity whacks me right upside my head! I started speaking God’s Word! My heart started beating erratically. I continued to speak God’s Word. I wanted to text my praying friends and “get them on the scene” but I was so weak and nauseated I couldn’t use my phone.
I told Mike I could feel my heart racing and rocking back and forth in my chest. Every few minutes he checked my heart rate while continuing to pray for me. After about twenty minutes, he said, “I can hardly get a pulse you are going to the emergency room.”
By six p.m. I had an I.V. in both arms (After six attempts...and those needles hurt!), had taken more medicine than I know how to pronounce, and were waiting on test results. I received amazing medical care. The doctors, nurses, and staff took great care of me and my family. I'm grateful to God for medical science and Waimea Medical Center!
By this time, I was very tired and weak. It was hard to confess God’s Word. I was "throwing a pvc (premature ventricular contraction) for almost every heart beat" and my heart not beating correctly for so many hours was wearing me out physically. At 2:00 a.m., all the medication available to the doctors wasn't able to correct my heart rate. It was getting hard to remember scripture.
He is my helper! (John 14:26) God kept bringing to my remembrance a song. So I kept repeating a song by Mynista that is on his Signs, Miracles, and Wonders CD.
“I plead The Blood of Jesus ova me and ova mine!
Death spirits pass by as The Blood Shines!
Passova! Keep Move’n! Passova! Keep Move’n
I plead The Blood of Jesus!”
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5:8)
We were alert and were watching; therefore, he was unable to devour us!
The next day I contacted my praying friends. Within half hour, I was able to eat soup and felt stronger!
End of story/testimony: I was home before Christmas!
The day after Christmas I was running on the beach…back to my “normal”!
Praise be to God who causes me to triumph! (2 Corinthians 2:14)
Genice Fulton [Via Blog]
I know you don't know me, but I had to send you a message. I was a part of the Victory Life children's ministry for quite a long time. I've known Tremone (aka Mouth Piece, aka Yung Vessel) for most of his natural life.
He was on the wrong path for so many years, and I knew how he used to be. God has done so much in his life. To God be the glory, but I also really appreciate you and your influence on Tremone. You have been a real role model for him to follow. You reached his heart, when so many of us could not. Now, not only is he filled with the spirit, but he is so focussed on ministering, as well.
The reason I am telling you this is that it's important to understand that we all have different roles in the Body of Christ. I am a firm believer that we are all meant to be different because there are some sinners that will never be reached in a church pulpit.
You, my friend, can reach so many lives that some other preachers cannot even get close to. That is your role. Please, continue doing the work of God because it's working.
May God credit you for the soles saved by you... and those by whom you've discipled.
David Holman [Via Facebook]

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