Tuesday, May 31

Tues. 5/31/05 -[Miami Was POWERFUL]

What up Warriaz,

Well, me and the camp were in Miami this past Memorial Day weekend, and MAN did God show up!! We were in Overtown, one of the roughest parts of Miami. The Homeless community was huge there....seems like everywhere we turned we were running into someone that was Demon Possessed. We were in Full concert in Henry Reese Park out there, and during our stay, we destroyed the Works of the Devil by Casting out Demons, Ministerin' Healing to Folks, and leadin' em to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! It was just AWESUM!! During my Concert, you could just SEE and FEEL the Glory of God Spreading through that Park....and you could literally SEE the people being delivered as the Word came forth...Overtown will never be the same!! The Glory is God's!! On to the next Mission!!

Jesus Reignz!


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