What up Y'all....It's late night, and I'm just sittin here surfin the web...I just came across a rappers website [he used to rep Christ] and something I read was very sad....dude said that he wasn't rappin fa' Christ no mo', and that he didn't care about the lives of others....only his own life. That's a very sad thang, and it grieves the heart of God. The dude I'm talkin about aint the only one...there is a seducing spirit sweeping this land right now, turning kats away from the purpose and will of God, folks are being selfish, very selfish, and not only are they forfitting the "high Calling" for their lives, but if they have any influence in anyone elses life at all, they could also be destroying that persons destiny. Sad Thang Y'all. I encourage all of the "TRUE" Warriaz to continue seeking God and representing Him in whatever way you can, no matter how hard it gets, nomatter the amount of persecution... He's Faithful, and the Job will get done, and that's real!!....So Go Get the Job Done...By Faith, In Jesus Name.
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