Friday, June 10

Fri. 6/10/05 - [Craving Mynista]

Thought I would share this, cause it's real...the following post was posted in our forum (Come thru and register!!)....


When there is someone that is extremely talented, and putting things out for the world to hear...It's easy to look at the person and set them up on a pedestal (sp?).
Mynista is an excellent example of this. He's extremely gifted with madd lyrics, raw beat, and the ability to reach into your soul.
I love his stuff so much that I wanted to put myself in check...Just to sure not to raise him up above the giver of his gifts,,,GOD!

Ya know how the ladies swoon ova Usher, or how they fainted at the sight of Michael Jackson? If they were everyday people like me, they wouldn't get this type of attention. It's they're talents that are attractive, and it's all messed up and our flesh tells us that it's the person.
Not that I've become physically attracted to Mynista, cause that isn't the case, just read on.
Our flesh can take something GOD made for his purpose, and even as christians, we can see the person as the one that's reaching into our deepest parts, and helping us through our hard times.
I'm in check, and I know it's the WORD OF GOD that I'm craving, and it's GOD reaching down deep to set me free.
Mynista is GOD's vessel, and does a very good job of being that.
I wasn't gonna post this, because it's hard for me to share thoughts and stuff, but..
I heard my daughter talking to her friend about a week ago, talking about Mynista, and how fine he was. She listens to his stuff all the time, and prints his pictures and stuff, which I'd rather it be Mynista than Usher ,
but that's what got me thinkin about this.
She's almost 12, and had it all mixed up.
Mynista's the man, but GOD made him what he is!

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