Thursday, July 7

Thurs. 7/07/05 - [Pressin In]

What up Warriaz!

Um feelin real good right now y'all. Mainly I have just been Gettin into the Word O' God, and stayin on my face at His feet (prayin'). I have a very busy schedule comin up as far as shows and concerts and stuff, so off stage I have to make sure that I'm growin and gettin Stronga, and that I'm in the right place to receive what God wants me to minister to y'all. It's sorta like puttin your cell phone on the charger....that's why I'm feelin so good, cause my "battery is full"!!

I'm expecting Signs, Miracles, and Wonders everywhere that I go for God, so if I'm coming to yo' neck of the woods, be ready for a manifestation of the Presence of God. That includes Physical healing, Spiritual healing, Emotional healing, Deliverance, The Prophetic Word of God, Salvation, Financial Breakthrough Anointing, and everythang else that comes with God's Presence. So be expecting with me, cause it's gone happen. By FAITH, It's already Done! In Jesus' Name.



Holla' At Me!

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