Wednesday, September 14

9/14/05 - [Just Hollin!]

What up Warriaz!

All is well ova' here with ya boy, I'm just chillin, seekin' God like true Warriaz do. Since I've been back from STL, I havn't given you all a new podcast, cause there has been alot goin on around here, but I will be givin y'all a new podcast, and episode of Mynista T.V. real soon! For those of y'all walkin by faith....keep on trustin God.....He's faithful, and He always comes thru! and that's real. It's time for His Kingdom to ARISE and SHINE, and reflect the Glory of Jesus like never before, cause there is a change taking place in this world we live in.....the last shall be first, and the first shall be's Turn Around Time!! So right there where you are at, you should stand up right now....turn around 360 degrees, and say..."It's turn around time".....and then expect your situation or issue to "TURN" In your favor....and that's real!

God just blessed ya boy with a home studio, so I'm in "School" with that right now lol. I won't be recording my records from my home studio, I will still record at Embassy Studios, but be doin' a lil "Pre-Production" from home!

Well....God bless ya'll, and remember....God will finish the good work that He began in you....Jesus Christ....the same yesterday, today, and FOREVER!!

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