Wednesday, September 7

9/7/05-[Tour of Duty in STL Over]

What up Warriaz!

Well, My St. Louis tour is over, and man was it raw! Right now me and Qfyre are on the flight home to Tampa. I just wanna thank everyone in STL for all of the love....for the awesome reception, and for recieving everything that God had for them through me. I wanna send a special Thankya out to my awesome STL staff that co-labored with me....First of all my wife, Steph....I wouldn't be complete without her! Justin, Dala, Rene, Deb, Eric, and Qfyre...thank you all for everything that you do for me, and God in this rewards are also your rewards, and that's real!

I would like to post all of the praise reports that were given to me, but that would take way to here are a couple:

*Walter Thorne, of the International Fellowship of Christian Business Men told me that when I krunk up at an outreach in East STL , and gave the altar call for folks to give thier lives to Jesus, that 76 people responded and gave thier hearts to the Lord!! and that was just one stop on this tour!! The Glory is God's!!

*One lady came up to me today after I krunk up at St. louis Family Church, and told me an awesome story....She said that she had previously purchased my album "Ghetto Grace", and left it in her car with the windows down. Well someone stole it from her car, but she said that three weeks later, she found an envelope on her windshield with money and a note that said..."I'm sorry that I stole your CD, here is the money to cover it....but I'm keeping the CD".....Now that's funny! that person stole GG, Got convicted, repented, converted, and paid the lady back...Praise God!

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