*I'm gonna be postin' up my "Freestyles". These are true Freestyles.....non' Written Material Where I just let the river of life flow from my belly over a beat. I recently Invested in a home studio, so to get some practice in, I figured I would just do it this way. These songs will not be on any of my records, and I will continue to record my records in a Professional Commercial Studio...
*The majority of the beats will be productions that Underground producers post on music sites for Free download in order to get exposure, or beats Given to me from some of y'all hott producers out there for this purpose....I will not....and I repeat....I Will not be rappin over beats that belong to Secular Mainstream artists....Enjoy!!
(This first one is called "Warria Nation Freestyle" Produced by my homeboy Alex For HedFonez Ministries (http://www.myspace.com/hedfonezalex )....click on the "play podcast banner" to hear it!)
:: here is the url to subscribe to my podcast :: http://feeds.feedburner.com/Mynista
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