Sometimes people are very quick to tell someone that "Everything is going to be alright", or something along those lines. However, that is not always true. Most of the time they are only giving people "False hope." In the bible, Jesus told a story/parable about two men that we're building houses. He said that the wise man was the man who built his home on "The Rock" because he not only heard the sayings, teachings and words of Jesus...but HE DID THEM! The foolish man was the man that heard the words of Jesus, but didn't do them. He built his home upon the sand. The storm beat upon both houses, but only the wise man's home stood "The test" (Luke 6:48,49). Not only does this apply to people that have not become Christians yet, but it also applies to the Christian. The Word of God comes in two forms: the Rhema Word (a timely, personal instruction, a prophetic "Now" word from God to you either by God speaking through someone, or a "word" from God illuminated to you by the Holy Spirit as you study God's Word), and the Logos Word (The general instructions of the verbatim written Word of God to everyone). [These are my paraphrased definitions from heart by the way!]
If you are "hearing", or "have heard" the Word of God, then the outcome of your "situation" is conditional...there is an "If" attached to it. "If" you choose the "Red Pill", and you do the Word of God...all is gonna' be well! But "if" you choose the "black pill", and you rebel and do your own thing, or whatever...then no. Everything is not gonna be alright. If you're a hearer only and not a doer, the bible says that you are deceiving yourself (James 1:22). Only the doers of the Word will see the rewards of those who diligently seek Him! (Hebrews 11:6)
So today, I just wanted to say..."If" you're in a storm right now, and "if" you're a doer of His Word..."Everything is gonna' be alright!"
If you're not doing His Word yet, praise God for His mercy and grace! Repent, begin to "do", and I guarantee you, things will begin to turn around in your life.
bro this is so true - praise the Lord Everything is gonna be alright! thanks for posting
Amen, amen, and AMEN. For every true blessing, there is a test. Before we can have a breakthrough, we must be broken down. We must decrease so HE can increase. The Lord has been speaking to me recently of humbling myself before Him, and HE will lift me up at the appointed hour. Not that I am seeking to be lifted up. But I AM seeking however, to be DOWN on my face before HIM. Seek ye first, the KINGDOM. Hallelujah. Your words have sent my spirit soaring this morning brother. And my eyes are all filled with weeping. Lord bless your ministry.
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