If you've been subscribed to my blog for a while, you know that I like to share these sometimes. I thank God for all of you, really I do! When I approach music, I'm always asking God what can I do musically to bless His people (and the world period). I ask Him to show me the biggest needs so that He can use me to meet em! So it really blesses me when I get reports of my music blessing YOU! The glory is God's!
"Your Music is so Powerful and tight! You're one of my new favorite Gospel Artist! i pray the LORD JESUS will bless your music ministry to go around the World! And that millions of songs/cd's will be sold. Every song has blessed me, and you are a true soldier for Christ! Keep doing what your doing, these are the last days. We need more soldiers like yourself out in the world telling the TRUTH to the LOST! May God keep Blessing you and every need be supplied in your life, And every thing be added unto you and your Family!
Much love your sis Shirelle [A New Myspace Friend]."

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