Tuesday, October 26

[Mynista T.V.] C-Micah "Lev 11:45" [Olympus Pen EPL-1 Test]

This is my first upload of video taken with my Olympus Pen EPL-1. It was a very windy day and I wasn't filming steady, so the original footage was quite shaky. I used a stabilization plug-in via Final Cut Express (that's why/how the video zooms in and out, but it still worked out great).

SUBSCRIBE! - This is just the beginning of some great, JESUS GLORIFYING videos & films! "FKAK!" [For King And Kingdom!]

Lens: Kit 14-42mm

Check C-Micah (Collard Greens Entertainment) out at ‪http://www.cmicahmusic.com‬

[Change quality setting to 720p HD for full quality viewing]




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