Praise God! I have been gettin' praise reports left and right!, Thank You Abba (Daddy) for the "Harvest!" Check out this "jewel" and glorify the Lord with me and His angels! The Glory is God's!
"Hey man you have inspired me to find the Lord. I love rap and have been listening to gangsta rap since i was little. I wanted to listen to better music but couldn't stay away from it. I'm glad I found you cause I love your southern style and I don't have to let the devil in ya' know. I was like you, doing drugs and drinking everyday. I felt possesed too. Anyway when you said that the Jay-Z poster would wink at you telling you to sell your soul, I believe you. You know he is part of the illuminati. If you don't know what that is, it is a secret society that is dedicated to satan. Anyway keep up the good deeds and we'll kick it in paradise some day. Peace bro!!"
Patty Boy
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