I love to post praise reports! God is really doing great things over here! Today I received a friend request on myspace from a girl familiar to the "street life"...she heard "That Right Now" on my myspace page, saw my testimony vid, and hit me with the following message. I prayed for her, and emailed her back on how to become a Christian....and she emailed me back with an awesome message!....Praise God! The Glory is His! CHECK IT OUT!!...
I love the song.....I was really touched by your testimony...its time 4 me to change my ways. Most of the stuff you were saying...I'm involved in it to...I need God to come into my life and renew me in the name of Jesus...right now....would u pray for me?
[A New "In-Christed" Myspace Friend]
I'm not gonna post the rest of our conversation, but know that God is still saving, healing, delivering, changing lives....ALL THAT!!! He's ALL THAT!!!!!
Jesus Reignz!
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